Usage and Needs Assessment

Entsgo provides a Business Systems Usage and Needs Assessment service to give you a clear picture of your current situation and where you need to be.  This service is offered as a precursor to our consulting and training projects or as a stand-alone product.

Assessment Methodology
Entsgo’s Business Systems Usage and Needs Assessment service provides an effective methodology for evaluating your current legacy environment, as well as identifying requirements gaps and opportunities for improvements.  It results in a well-developed report containing customized, practical solutions to your everyday problems.

The Entsgo assessment methodology consists of multiple techniques for gathering information, including on-line surveys, key user interviews, internal research, and the mining of existing data or prior studies.  Our methods help to identify issues you already know about and issues you may have suspected, while providing fresh insights.

Onsite Evaluation
The assessment service includes a scheduled visit to your site by an Entsgo consultant.  Only our highest-level consultants are assigned to your assessment project.  The onsite evaluation typically begins with a tour of your manufacturing facilities to observe current business practices.  Then discovery interviews are conducted with key users and managers to discuss known issues and uncover new ones.  The format and meeting schedule is flexible enough to take the various departments in any order, as best fits your schedules.

Assessment Report and Executive Presentation
After the onsite evaluation, Entsgo will prepare a confidential assessment report for your company.  The report details the gaps and opportunities identified during the onsite visit and include recommendations for future usage improvements and opportunities to satisfy documented requirements.  It also outlines suggested steps for moving forward from the needs assessment into action. 
Optionally, an Executive Presentation is provided, consisting of a 30-minute webinar that summarizes the findings of the Business Systems Usage and Needs Assessment.  Once recommendations are approved, Entsgo can implement or assist you in implementing needed changes.  Our extensive, real-world experience ensures you get the most practical, efficient solutions to your specific problems.


The Objective
Analyze your current legacy environment
  • Use of legacy standard functionality
  • Legacy add-ons and modifications
  • Third-party extensions
  • Existing infrastructure
  • Clist of current operation
  • Current strategic plan
Identify gaps & opportunities
  • User satisfaction level with existing services
  • Existing requirements issues
  • Future business needs
  • Gaps analysis
Document recommended solutions
  • Changes to your business processes, policies, and/or practices as required
  • Revisions to your current technology plan, if needed